Skagit Land Trust, a private non-profit land conservation organization, proposed to purchase 50 acres in two contiguous parcels of riparian habitat in the lower Skagit River watershed to permanently protect 50 acres of riparian area and associated floodplain near the mouth of Day Creek and the Skagit River. It included approximately 3,200 linear feet of shoreline and 40 acres of diverse undisturbed woodland laced with old channels and wetlands. However, one landowner rejected the offer of appraised fair market value, which made the transaction with the second landowner no longer feasible through a boundary line adjustment. A substitute property was acquired instead, just downstream from the original site. This property fronts on the mouth of Day Creek and Kosbab Slough. The entire Sundstrom acquisition was 109.5 acres with 7,500 linear feet of shoreline. Because the property was larger and more expensive than the original proposed acquisition, funding was combined from this grant and the Middle Skagit Acquisition grant (01-1364A), with 59 acres credited to this grant and 50 acres to the other grant.
The acquisition is adjacent to Lyman Islands, 300 acres, acquired by the US Forest Service for protection through the federal Wild and Scenic River Program, and one of the most productive areas in the Middle Skagit for juvenile Chinook. Protection of this additional area builds a larger core protected area in a portion of the Skagit River that has experienced significant degradation from agricultural uses and residential development.