This project is located on the Lower Tolt River (RM2) just upstream from the city limits of the City of Carnation. While conducting restoration work for Seattle City Light through a King Conservation District grant, the owner of Camp River Ranch was approached to discuss restoration efforts on their property. They agreed to work with the Task Force in improving their river-front property for salmon habitat.
This project will work to control invasive weeds (butterfly bush, knotweed, Scotch broom and Himalayan blackberry) along approximately 5,000 linear feet of the left bank of the lower Tolt River on the Camp River Ranch property. Weed control will occur on up to nine acres followed by riparian planting. The planting will consist of establishing up to 100' wide riparian buffers where vegetation is sparse and establishing an understory conifer forest in areas where primarily deciduous trees exist. The proposed project will incorporate community outreach, educational opportunities for Snoqualmie Valley students and girl scouts, and establish a native plant nursery on-site to grow native plants that will be used in the restoration planting areas. Community volunteers will be invited to assist with planting native vegetation.