In partnership with Diking District 13 and the Snohomish Conservation District substantial improvements were made to the tide gate, pump station and riparian buffers along the Swan trail Slough.
Tide-gate and pump station improvements (DOE Centennial Clean Water Fund Grant and Pioneers in Conservation Grant):
• Removed a heavy steel tide-gate that severely restricted anadromous fish access and contributed to degraded water quality conditions with a “fish friendlier”, light-weight aluminum tide-gate to provide improved flow and fish access.
• Replaced the macerating pump with a fish-friendly pump.
• Installed a log boom to reduce debris buildup on the grate, which improves outflows and flushing for water quality improvements.
• Installed water quality and level monitoring equipment at the pump house.
• Planted 700+ plants along the dike near the pump house and along the slough on the Krause property.
Riparian Restoration on Solatka property (DOE Centennial Clean Water Fund Grant):
• Mowed and tilled reed canary grass along the slough on the Solatka property. No herbicides were used per the landowner’s request.
• Planted 2 acres along the slough with 6-ft+ ball and burlap stock western red cedar (Thuja plicata) and Sitka spruce (Picea sitchensis) in curvilinear rows on ~8 ft centers.
• Installed Pacific willow stakes (Salix lucida ssp. Lasiandra) on the banks directly along the slough.
• Installed an irrigation system.
• Maintained plantings as needed.
• Monitored plant vigor, mortality and % cover.
Culvert replacement (Community Salmon Fund Grant)
• A collapsed culvert on the Solatka property was removed and replaced with a bridge