Seattle City Light (SCL) in partnership with Sound Salmon Solutions (formerly the Stilly Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force -TF) will control nonnative species including Himalayan blackberries, the primary species of infestation, in the riparian area. These areas will be replanted with native conifers, hardwoods, and shrubs that are currently represented on the properties. A 3 acre work area has been identified on portions of SCL properties, located at approximately RM 3.7-4.2 and RM 4.89-5. Within this work area, non-native vegetation is present in varying densities ranging from medium to monoculture. SCL proposes that within the 3 acre work area all nonnative vegetation will be treated annually for 3 years and will be planted with native vegetation after 1-2 years of treatment.
Seattle City Light (SCL), in partnership with Sound Salmon Solutions (SSS), formerly the Stilly Snohomish Fisheries Enhancement Task Force, controlled non-native species in 8-acres of riparian property along the Tolt River. A 3.15 acre area was replanted with native conifers, hardwoods, and shrubs that are currently represented in the vicinity. The three SCL properties are located at approximately Tolt RM 3.7-4.2 and 4.89-5. SCL purchased these properties as part of its ESA Early Action Program with the intent to purchase salmonid habitat and protect and restore the habitat as needed. The parcels are located on the lower Tolt River in the San Souci Area where King County is also actively pursuing purchases for salmonid habitat protection and restoration of river processes.