City of Edmonds completed the first phase of feasibility assessment for restoring tidal inflows and maximizing Chinook salmon rearing habitat in Edmonds Marsh through daylighting the connection between Willow Creek and Puget Sound. Edmonds Marsh is located within the City of Edmonds in the Central Puget Sound basin. The feasibility report: a) evaluated the topography and hydrology of the marsh area to determine the potential for use by juvenile Chinook; b) analyzed three options for daylighting Willow Creek; c) assessed the hydrology of a restored marsh system that identified the freshwater and saltwater hydrology signal, average water elevation, maximum and minimum water levels and hydroperiod during tidal fluctuations; d) evaluated the potential size and habitat types in a restored marsh; e) provided conceptual designs for the preferred alternative; and f) developed a conceptual plan and early cost estimate for the preferred alternative.
The evaluation of sediment accretion, erosion, and transport, and storm water inputs, and real estate negotiations will be part of the next feasibility assessment phase.