Seattle Public Utilities (SPU) completed preliminary design for future instream restoration, revegetation, and floodplain reconnection along the lower 600 feet of Taylor Creek, in Southeast Seattle. The project includes the lowermost mainstem reach of Taylor Creek from Rainier Ave South to the mouth that feeds into south Lake Washington. The project falls within Lake Washington shoreline reach Segment 2 as identified in the WRIA 8 Chinook Salmon Plan, which is the second highest priority lake shoreline reach for restoration. SPU plans to manage this property as a natural area with passive public access.
The goal was to design a restoration project that returns natural processes to the stream, floodplain, delta, riparian and upslope habitat, including hyporheic zone functions, in order to improve rearing and refuge habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon emigrating from the Cedar River. Once constructed, approximately 150-160 feet of lake shoreline and 10,000 square feet of delta will be restored, 2 hyporheic structures will be constructed in the lower Taylor Creek channel and fish passage will be improved through the replacement of the Rainier Ave. culvert and removal of other smaller obstructions including private driveway culverts.
In conjunction with this SRFB project, SPU designed complementary restoration work for Taylor Creek upstream of the Rainier Ave. culvert extending into Dead Horse Canyon. SPU plans to restore floodplain and instream habitat, tightline 2 stormwater outfalls discharging to Taylor Creek, install large wood, and lead an aggressive effort to remove invasive plants within the canyon and plant native trees to re-vegetate much of the riparian buffer along Taylor Creek, upstream of the Rainier Ave culvert. Permitting has delayed completion of the final design set, however SPU has funding to complete design and will attach the final Basis of Design Report and construction plan set (per Manual 18, Appendix D design standards) to this PRISM project when they are complete.