Snohomish County used this grant to prepare preliminary design deliverables and conducted cultural resources assessment and consultation for habitat improvements at Meadowdale Beach County Park at the northern end of Browns Bay in Puget Sound. Located within a portion of the City of Edmonds and unincorporated Snohomish County, the site is south of Mukilteo and abuts City of Lynnwood Park preserved property to the east. The restoration designs are focused on enhancing rearing habitat for non-natal juvenile Chinook (threatened), Coho, and Chum salmon; Cutthroat Trout and other fish species. Designs for the future restoration include:
1) Removing approximately 130 linear feet (lf) of hard armored railroad embankment and the undersized (6 foot-wide) culvert;
2) Installing a multi-span bridge with a 90-foot opening to dissipate flood waters, restore natural sediment transport processes, and allow the creek to meander dynamically over time, creating essential habitat;
3) Creating 1.3 acres of tidal estuary habitat;
4) Restoring 1.65 acres of nearshore and stream riparian buffers along shoreline and stream using native trees and shrubs;
5) Restoring in-stream habitat conditions by placing large woody debris in the lower creek and restored estuary.