Habitat Protection: Continue to implement Issaquah Creek/Lake Sammamish Waterways Program to protect best remaining habitat including Mainstem Issaquah Creek/Log Cabin Reach (RM 8.4-10, 155 acres). The Issaquah Creek/Lake Sammamish Waterways Program is a comprehensive and integrated program developed in partnership by King County & the City of Issaquah and is also endorsed by the Sammamish Watershed Forum. It is designed to protect and preserve in-stream and riparian resources along the length of the creek. The program involves acquisition, habitat enhancement and restoration projects, conservation easements, and tax reductions on properties that provide or enhance fish and wildlife habitat. It is also identified as a significant resource area due to its exceptional fisheries habitat and undeveloped character. The creek supports chinook, coho, sockeye, kokanee, cutthroat, char and steelhead. Acquisition of properties, along the three top reaches, is a key goal of this project in 1999, and a key to successful restoration in the basin. The proposed acquisitions will provide protection for concentrated salmonid rearing & spawning areas, process areas such as braided reaches, confluences, gravels, and woody debris, areas adjacent to other to other valuable habitats, and important wildlife habitat. Acquisition of properties is supported by the Sammamish Forum and King Co. criteria for ESA Early Action Projects.
2015: Adjusted acquired acreage to match land purchased under 02-1622, which closed in 2008.