I224. South Issaquah Creek Greenway: Located in Sycamore neighborhood downstream of Sycamore Drive bridge in large complex (35 acres) of City-owned open space, plus adjacent properties that may be acquired by City. Floodplain restoration, wetland enhancement, side channels, riparian enhancements along 3,500 feet of stream reach. Some improvements have been made (Issaquah Creek Habitat Enhancement - Sycamore site) but larger scale floodplain restoration is appropriate because stream was straightened and channelized in the 1960s for a development, significantly diminishing habitat value.
Update: The Phase 2 Sycamore area restoration project was constructed in 2006 (following the Phase 1 project that was constructed in 2004) and included approximately 600 lineal feet of stream channel. The project included adding 31 pieces of large woody debris into Issaquah Creek, removal of invasive vegetation, planting of native vegetation, removal of stream bank riprap, and reconnection of the floodplain to the stream through removal of floodplain fill. The Hope Creek Restoration project was also constructed at this time, and involved reconnecting this small Tiger Mountain tributary to Issaquah Creek (past land use activities blocked the channel outlet) with the stream routed to a wetland. Overall, the City has implemented restoration on over 1200 feet of Issaquah Creek and several adjoining acres of riparian floodplain area within the Sycamore area.