Seward Park Shoreline Restoration
#C280 #C280
 Tier 1 Lake Washington Seward Park Shoreline Restoration
Organization Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8) Lead Entity
Sponsor City of Seattle
Status Completed
Schedule Start Date: 7/1/2005 End Date: 12/31/2007
Category Category: Restoration
Project Photo
Seward Park Shoreline Restoration: Restore approximately 2,000 feet of shoreline along Bailey Peninsula in Seward Bay by putting in finer substrate and overhanging vegetation (potential City of Seattle project).

The 2001, a US Army Corps of Engineers study found some reaches of the Seward Park shoreline to be desirable habitat for juvenile Chinook salmon, but documented past shoreline hardening efforts that had compromised such habitat. In particular, they noted extensive amounts of quarry spall in the nearshore around the park's northwestern to southeastern shoreline from failed revetments, as well as concrete slab bulkheads along the southerly shoreline as areas to be addressed to restoere habitat.

Based on the Corps report, a demonstration project was undertaken by Seattle Public Utilies and Seattle Parks with the Corps along 1,000 lineal feet of the Park's northeastern shoreline in December 2001 when 1,400 tons of gravels were installed along the shoreline to a nominal depth of 1' from the shore to approximately 30' into the lake. This effort was repeated with the installation of 2,000 tons of fine gravels along 1,400 lineal feet of the northwestern shoreline of the Park in November 2004 with funding provided to Seattle Parks from the King Conservation District. Associated with this effort was removal of invasive vegetation along the shoreline above this gravel enhancement and planting of native trees and shrubs such as willows, red-twig dogwood, alder, western red cedar and the like, as well as the installation of large woody debris. Both of these two nearshore substrate enhancement efforts involved transport of gravels to the Park by barge and off-load of the gravels directly into the enhancement area.

Besides the two substrate enhancement efforts, in 2003 Seattle Parks undertook bulkhead removal along a portion of the south shoreline. Involved was removal of concrete slabs, regrading, installation of large woody debris and beach gravels, and plantings of native riparian vegetation. Since 2005, Seattle Parks and Recreation has worked with the Corps to provide continued aquatic habitat enhancement at Seward Park in order to improve the Lake Washington basin for fish and wildlife. In 2007 additional substrate enhancement work was done and Parks continues ongoing invasive vegetation removal and shoreline plantings.

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TypeDateFunding OrgFunding ProgramMatchAmount
Allocated01/01/2003King Conservation District$150,000.00
Allocated01/01/2006King Conservation District$70,000.00
Grant Project Agreement Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance
Not entered $0.00 $220,000.00 $0.00 $220,000.00
OTHER FUNDING (Funding that is NOT in a grant project agreement)
TypeDateFunding OrgFunding ProgramMatchAmount
Other Funding Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance
Grand Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance

Chinook-Pop (ESU):Chinook-Puget Sound, Threatened
Chum-Pop (ESU):Chum-Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia, Not Warranted
City Areas:Seattle
Coho-Pop (ESU):Coho-Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia, Species of Concern
HUC12:Lake Washington-Sammamish River (171100120400)
HUC8:Lake Washington (17110012)
Lead Entity Area:Lake Washington/Cedar/Sammamish Watershed (WRIA 8)
Legislative District:37
Pink-Pop (ESU):Pink-Odd Year, Not Warranted
Puget Sound Action Areas:South Central Puget Sound
Salmon Recovery Regions:Puget Sound
Steelhead-Pop (ESU):Steelhead-Puget Sound, Cedar River, Threatened
Watershed Administrative Unit:S Lake Washington
WRIA:Cedar - Sammamish
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