Lions Club Side Channel Restoration: Restoration of an ~ 800 foot long historic side channel and associated floodplain for chinook rearing habitat. The Renton Lions Club and King County are partners on this project. King County recently purchased property downstream of Lions Club needed for the project. Project part of WLRD's monitoring program.
Design phase funded by SRB 01-1351.
The Renton Lions Club used this funding to contract for design of a 600-foot long spawning and rearing channel at the project site, a remnant side channel located at river mile 11.8 on the Cedar River in King County, WA. The design addresses the lack of floodplain connection and riparian habitat along the river. The design report includes an assessment of juvenile Chinook habitat needs, a topographic survey of the project site, and hydraulic modeling. Implementation of the design would provide approximately 3,500 m2 of habitat for Chinook, coho, steelhead, and sockeye. Loss of channel connectivity, lack of complexity, and degradation of riparian habitat were identified as probable factors of decline by the WRIA 8 Technical Committee's Reconnaissance Assessment. The project assessed the feasibility of the design plans and provided a cost estimate for a spawning/rearing channel on the Renton Lions Club property.