Madrona Park Creek Daylighting, Final Phase, will restore and connect the upper reaches of the creek to complete this ambitious community-driven and multi-phase creek restoration project. This grant request is for approximately 460 lineal feet of new and restored creek channel that will restore two-thirds of the total creek flow.
Previous phases of the project restored and daylighted approximately 1127 lineal feet of downstream channel and restored over 400 lineal feet of Lake Washington shoreline. Connecting all the available creek flow is vital to realize the full benefit of the creek daylighting and shoreline improvements for juvenile Chinook and other salmonid rearing and refuge habitat in the WRIA 8 Watershed.
When complete, the Madrona Park Creek project will provide approximately 1480 lineal feet (0.28 mile) of daylighted and restored stream channel and over 400 lineal feet of shoreline, creating near shore rearing and refuge habitat favorable for threatened juvenile Chinook and possibly Coho, cutthroat, and sockeye salmon along the west shore of Lake Washington (WRIA 8 Watershed), between highway I-90 and 520 floating bridges. Total watershed and riparian area restored and revegetated with native plants will be approximately 2.75 acres. The project lies entirely within publicly-owned Madrona Park.