Complete final designs and permits for project actions to improve refuge, rearing, and foraging opportunity for multiple stocks of salmon and trout in a critical migration corridor through the Tacoma Narrows on the WRIA 12 shoreline. Project actions include: replacing the existing 3'X102' long gated culvert with a 96' rail span bridge; removing fill and park infrastructure from the lagoon edges to increase the lagoon size and shoreline complexity to restore salt marsh, riparian buffers, and emergent and forested tidal wetlands; and working with the City of Tacoma to improve water quality through green infrastructure and stormwater treatment. Project actions are expected to create a self-sustaining tidal embayment with an open tidal channel to provide unimpeded fish passage and tidal flow, vegetated wetland buffers, improved wetland hydrology and connectivity, reduced beach sediment grain size for forage fish spawning, increased delta area and improved eelgrass beds, and an overall increase in nearshore food web production.