Initiate a pilot beach restoration and marine riparian planting projects on existing pocket beaches persisting waterward of the BNSF railine between Sequalitchew Creek and Solo Point to monitor and streamline beach nourishment and riparian enhancement techniques along the degraded shoreline.
The project scope entails a reach scale analysis of geomorphic structure, present function of pocket beaches, sediment transport processes and will initiate beach nourishment events to test effectiveness and sustainability of beach nourishment efforts in supporting functional beach habitats. Resulting data will inform future restoration efforts regarding effectiveness of beach nourishment as a viable restoration option and chart the predicted downstream effects of beach nourishments efforts on beach structure, submerged vegetation beds and forage fish spawning.
Nearshore restoration of the WRIA 12 shoreline has been identified as high priority in the WRIA 10/12 Lead Entity Strategy. Beach seining studies conducted along the WRIA 12 shoreline have documented White River, Puyallup River and Chambers-Clover Chinook use of this shoreline, implicating the importance of the shoreline as a migration and foraging corridor. This project seeks to improve beach habitat, restore fringing salt marsh and riparian habitat and enhance forage fish spawning habitat. These actions will provide shallow water refugia, increased foraging opportunity and connect fragmented habitat thereby promoting rearing capacity of the shoreline for salmonids, particularly early life stage Chinook, chum and pink salmon.