South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group completed a salmon and steelhead habitat assessment for the Muck Creek basin, a major tributary to the Nisqually River and a preliminary design for a high priority passage barrier. The goal of the assessment was to document current habitat conditions, identify habitat improvement needs and, ultimately, to develop recommendations for prescriptive stream and riparian habitat improvement project opportunities within the Muck Creek basin that could benefit salmon and steelhead populations. Objectives completed through this assessment included documentation and analysis of stream habitat conditions for salmon and steelhead using a combination of rapid assessment, field data collection methods and office-based analysis, synthesis of past basin studies, literature, and oral histories, development of a desired conditions ranking matrix, and mapping of reach-scale habitat restoration project opportunities.
SPSSEG biologists surveyed over 4.5 miles of stream habitat within select index sub-reaches representing over 31 miles of stream habitat. The literature review and supporting studies, including a Thermal Infrared survey of Lacamas Creek, hydrogeological report, fish presence surveys, and other studies, complimented the habitat surveys in the development of restoration opportunities.
Restoration and conservation recommendations have been developed for each of fourteen reaches delineated within the basin and are presented in table and map formats. This project is one facet of an ongoing watershed strategy initiative and will support the development of future streamflow and aquatic habitat improvement projects benefitting winter steelhead, coho salmon, winter chum salmon, and cutthroat trout.