The City of Bainbridge Island will remove a 60-inch failing culvert (only 33% passable to fish) and weir (100% fish passage barrier) and replace it with a 60-foot bridge. The goal of the project is to restore fish passage and population capacity within the project reach and upstream, improve in-stream and riparian habitat conditions, and improve the capacity of the stream to accommodate hydrologic changes associated with climate change. Springbrook Creek is designated as critical habitat for ESA listed threatened Puget Sound steelhead. The project was identified as the number 1 priority restoration project in its watershed as part of a 2018 assessment.
U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell (D-WA), chair of the Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation announced a total of $58 million in funding for 23 projects for the removal of fish passage barriers like small dams and culverts, to open up salmon migration routes, and allow more salmon to return to their spawning grounds. The funding comes from the Department of Transportation's (DOT) National Culvert Removal, Replacement, and Restoration Grant Program, which Sen. Cantwelll created and passed through her Commerce Committee with overwhelming bipartisan support.