City of Bainbridge Island proposes to complete final designs to replace the Fletcher Bay Rd NE culvert on Springbrook Creek with a passable structure and restore approximately 400' of stream channel (including the section of creek that is currently confined within the culvert). The project is located on Bainbridge Island. The crossing under Fletcher Bay Road NE is a partial fish barrier that includes a series of concrete weirs and bank armoring upstream and downstream of the culvert, and an undersized (5 ft. wide x 100 ft. long) steel culvert. Restoration of fish passage and in-stream habitat conditions at this location is the highest-priority restoration project in the watershed. Conceptual designs for the culvert replacement and stream restoration were developed by Wild Fish Conservancy (WFC) as part of the Springbrook Creek Watershed Assessment (2018). Preliminary designs are currently being developed from the conceptual design, in coordination with a partner advisory team. Ultimately, the goal of the project is to restore fish passage and in-stream habitat conditions low in the Springbrook Creek watershed to benefit salmonid populations and improve the capacity of the stream to accommodate hydrologic changes associated with climate change. The project supports ESA threatened Puget Sound steelhead, coho, chum, and cutthroat trout, and may also benefit non-natal juvenile Chinook salmon rearing in Fletcher Bay.