"Construct designed improvements that restore nearshore ecological functions along 600 feet of currently armored shoreline adjacent to Evergreen Rotary Park on the western side of Port Washington Narrows, which connects Sinclair Inlet with Dyes Inlet. Conceptual, preliminary, and final design are complete. Will benefit Chinook, Chum, Coho, steelhead, and Cutthroat Trout migrating between Dyes and Sinclair Inlets. Project improves over 1,600 linear feet of shoreline to provide feeder fish bedding areas."
Construction phase of Evergreen Park shoreline restoration. The City of Bremerton completed a conceptual, preliminary, and final design to restore the nearshore area located adjacent to Evergreen Rotary Park on the western shoreline of the Port Washington Narrows, which connects Sinclair Inlet with Dyes Inlet. The goal of this project is to restore nearshore ecological functions along 600 feet of shoreline to benefit Chinook, Chum, Coho, steelhead, and Cutthroat Trout migrating between Dyes and Sinclair Inlets.