Kitsap County has acquired several land parcels around Miller Bay to protect the uplands, streams flowing through these parcels, and the Miller Bay Estuary. One such parcel is 3.5 acres of nearshore located near Indianola and known as the Indianola Waterfront Preserve. This parcel is located on the Port Madison Indian Reservation and includes significant estuarine habitat that historically was part of Miller Bay. The estuarine habitat was restricted to a 15" culvert under Chief Sealth Drive.
Mid-Puget Sound Fish Enhancement Group used this grant to work with the Suquamish Fisheries Department, Kitsap County, and the Indian Bay Homeowners Association to come up with a bridge design to replace the culvert and restore the natural ecological function of the estuary. The proposed design was for a conventional 2-lane bridge, but a single lane design was proposed by the Suquamish Tribal biologist to maximize ecological function and economy. In addition to replacement of the existing culvert, the design addressed removal of fill placed in the upper estuary. This project delivered preliminary design plans to a level sufficient to begin the permitting process.
This project is significant in the number of waterfront landowners that it reached. All of the Indian Bay Homeowners Association members will cross the bridge every time they leave or arrive home. The many folks residing in the communities of Indianola and Suquamish, and the north Kitsap area, visit the Preserve, both individually and when tours are offered.