PNP Restoration Reconnection Feasibility Study
#17-1032 #17-1032
 North Kitsap projects Suquamish to Point No Point PNP Restoration Reconnection Feasibility Study
Organization West Sound Partners for Ecosystem Recovery
Sponsor Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group
Status Completed
Schedule Start Date: 1/19/2018 End Date: 8/12/2021
Category Category: Planning
Mid-Puget Sound Fisheries Enhancement Group evaluated the feasibility to reconnect and restore the historic Point No Point salt marsh on the Northeast tip of the Kitsap Peninsula next to the Point No Point lighthouse. The Feasibility stage established that existing coastal processes and the amount of space available at Point No Point could support and sustain tidal connection and salt marsh habitat in the form of a barrier estuary at the project location. Due to the established infeasibility of restoring the north-side outlet of the traditional marsh due to historic alterations, existing development, and cultural resources, the study sought to establish critical conditions for a barrier estuary with a tidal channel on the east shoreline of Point No Point County Park. Jessica Cote at Blue Coast Engineering confirmed that the tidal prism, wind/wave energy and direction, feeder bluffs for beach nourishment, and hydraulic conditions will support an estuary outlet on the east side. Mid Sound worked with the site’s primary landowner, Kitsap County Parks, to develop project approval and support, and to identify potential project constraints. The primary concerns beyond the technical feasibility were community and other partner support. Mid Sound took the Conceptual Design, feasibility study results, project goals and next steps to a wide array of project partners and community members to solicit feedback, address questions, and establish relationships for future input. Mid Sound met with over 40 partners, including staff from: • Kitsap County Parks, Community Development, and Public Works departments; • Natural resource and cultural staff from the Suquamish, Port Gamble S’Klallam, Jamestown S’Klallam, and Skokomish tribes and the Point No Point Treaty Council; • Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife; • Conservation and recreation groups including Wild Fish Conservancy, North Kitsap Puget Sound Anglers and Kitsap Audubon; • US Lighthouse Society (headquarters in Point No Point Park) and US Coast Guard • County Commissioner Gelder and State Representative Kilmer’s office Mid Sound also connected with area landowners, focusing on those closest to the Park who would be impacted most heavily by the project and who have on-the-ground insights for project design. This included: • The neighborhoods uphill of the project that use Hillview Lane, a private road that runs through the Park and will be part of the project design. • The neighborhood north and west of the Park along Point No Point Road, which is along the access route to the Park. • The greater area community (Hansville/Norwegian Point) surrounding the Park. Mid Sound met on June 25, 2021 with Kitsap County staff from Planning, Public Works, and Parks departments as well as Commissioner Gelder to summarize our outreach findings, and will share the outreach summary report widely with project partners and include it in our Feasibility Report. We will continue to conduct outreach and listening sessions with all identified partners and community members throughout design development. Additional efforts and deliverables for this phase include: • A FEMA map review for Hillview Lane properties, requested by landowners, confirming the project would not change insurance maps. Prepared by Blue Coast Engineering and included in the Feasibility Report. • A title review of parcels within and around the Park to guide outreach and encumbrance research efforts. This will be summarized and included in the Feasibility Report. Outreach and encumbrance research will continue in the next design phase. • Conceptual design alternatives analysis summarizing feedback received from both partners and the community on scope-level alternatives developed through the feasibility studies.
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TypeDateFunding OrgFunding ProgramMatchAmount
Requested08/10/2017Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement GroupMatch$10,450.00
Requested08/10/2017Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO)Salmon State Projects$59,212.00
Allocated01/31/2019Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement GroupMatch$10,450.00
Allocated01/31/2019Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO)Puget Sound Acq. & Restoration$14,570.00
Allocated01/31/2019Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO)Salmon State Projects$59,212.00
Spent08/26/2019Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO)Puget Sound Acq. & Restoration-$14,570.00
Spent08/12/2021Mid Sound Fisheries Enhancement GroupMatch-$10,450.00
Spent08/12/2021Recreation and Conservation Office (RCO)Salmon State Projects-$59,212.00
Grant Project Agreement Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance
$73,500.00 $69,662.00 $84,232.00 $84,232.00 $0.00
OTHER FUNDING (Funding that is NOT in a grant project agreement)
TypeDateFunding OrgFunding ProgramMatchAmount
Other Funding Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance
Grand Totals Proposed Requested Allocated Spent Balance

Chinook-Pop (ESU):Chinook-Puget Sound, Threatened
Chum-Pop (ESU):Chum-Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia, Not Warranted
City Areas:Hansville
Coho-Pop (ESU):Coho-Puget Sound/Strait of Georgia, Species of Concern
HUC12:Big Valley-Frontal Puget Sound (171100190707)
HUC8:Puget Sound (17110019)
Lead Entity Area:West Sound
Legislative District:23
Pink-Pop (ESU):Pink-Odd Year, Not Warranted
Puget Sound Action Areas:North Central Puget Sound
Salmon Recovery Regions:Puget Sound
Steelhead-Pop (ESU):Steelhead-Puget Sound, East Kitsap Peninsula Tributaries, Threatened
Watershed Administrative Unit:Liberty-Miller-Appletree
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Area Encompassed (acres) (B.0.b.1)
Miles of Stream and/or Shoreline Affected (B.0.b.2)