This project is located on Grover's Creek, a tributary to Miller Bay. The property is 1.13 acres big with 232.14 feet of stream bordering the parcel. The property is overgrown with Himalayan blackberry and other weeds, such as Canada thistle. A contractor was hired and has successfully removed noxious weeds on the property. Over 250 native trees and shrubs were planted to bring the riparian area to a more natural state.
This site is tidally influenced. Most of the vegetation on the stream edge are sedges and potentilla along with some willow trees further away from the stream. Soils on the property are very hydric, and there is a lot of hydrophytic vegetation on the site, including Skunk cabbage. There are non-native trees, Black locust (Robinia pseudoacacia), that inhabit the riparian corridor and might be removed by the landowner. This property is several parcels upstream from the Grover's Creek Salmon Hatchery.