This project consists of the removal of concrete-armored banks and the installation of large woody debris. Native trees and shrubs will be planted in order to restore a natural riparian area on 90.81 ft. of an unnamed creek connected to shoreline in Port Orchard. The project will result in enhancement of 0.78 acres of critical area habitat.
Approximately 350 feet of an unnamed creek flows through the 1.85 acre residential parcel, and flows north under Olympiad Drive and outlets to Sinclair inlet. Historically, the stream was ditched and banks were armored with concrete. The concrete is beginning to fail and slump into the stream. WDFW indicated that the culvert under Olympiad Dr. is passable by fish and that the creek is a fish-bearing stream. The stream and near-shore habitat is potentially used by Coho, Chum, and Cutthroat. Documented habitat concerns in the watershed include lack of LWD, stream bank erosion, noxious weeds, and hardened banks. The vegetation on the site mostly consists of lawn up to the stream edge.