The Kitsap Conservation District sponsored this bridge replacement project which is a high priority fish passage barrier on a tributary to Blackjack Creek in Kitsap county. The crossing previously consisted of a very small and low bridge over a very flashy stream that builds up with streambed materials and blocks passage of fish. The structure was too small for the system and has been replaced with a larger structure that allows for proper hydraulic function and unimpeded fish passage. Correction of this barrier improves access to 2.19 miles of habitat for coho, chum, steelhead and searun cutthroat trout.
The Kitsap Conservation District sponsored this bridge replacement project, which is a high priority fish passage barrier on a tributary to Blackjack Creek in Kitsap County. The crossing consisted of a very small and low bridge over a very flashy stream that builds up with streambed materials and blocks passage of fish. The structure was too small for the system and was replaced with a new 16' by 20' concrete precast bridge that allows for proper hydraulic function and will allow unimpeded fish passage. Additionally 7 habitat logs were installed in the stream banks and the disturbed areas were replanted with native trees, shrubs and grasses. Correction of this barrier improves access to 2.19 miles of habitat for coho, chum, steelhead and searun cutthroat trout.