The project site is 1 acre with 520 feet of stream in the Dogfish watershed. The area has been described as a Type III Emergent wet pasture, temporarily flooded, modified by partial draining and ditching. Wetland and stream enhancement activities took place at this site in 2005, and the results of this project have since then been degrading. This project successfully removed invasive species and replaced them native vegetation to maintain a healthy riparian corridor. LWD and gravel were also installed to improve instream conditions.
In 2005, the landowners received a WHIP grant from NRCS to enhance stream and wetland habitat by planting native vegetation, creating side channels, and installing LWD and gravel, but a lot of these enhancements have been foiled by excessive sedimentaion in the stream system. The Suters wish to maintain their previous wildlife habitat enhancement efforts through the BYH grant program at KCD.