The City of Poulsbo used this funding to restore habitat and ecological functions to the upper Liberty Bay/Dogfish Creek estuary by removing the 5-foot culvert that blocked saltwater exchange over 4 acres of tidelands, and by opening the estuarine channel between Liberty Bay (Puget Sound) and Dogfish Creek. A bridge was installed above the channel area. This shoreline/tideland complex is listed as critical habitat by NMFS to the recovery of Puget Sound Chinook. The benefits gained from this project include recovery of the intertidal marine algae, epibenthic production of primary juvenile salmon food items including copepods and amphipods and other invertebrates, and enhancement of associated habitat attributes. Dogfish Creek has runs of Chinook, coho, and chum salmon and steelhead and cutthroat trout that have benefited from this project. This bridge project has also tied into the Poulsbo Park Department's passive-use nature park plan, which includes upland and riparian property acquisition, restoration activities, and public access. The partners in this project included the Suquamish Tribe, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, and the Washington Department of Transportation.