Acquisition: $200,000 for partial acquisition of riparian parcels in a geographic envelope of the lower Dungeness River. Targeting 34 acre Beebe parcels contiguous with the Tribe's Rivers Edge restoration site. Opportunistically work with other willing landowners during the grant period if unable to successfully acquire the Beebe parcels.
Planning-Assessment and Inventory: $50,000 to hire a consultant to evaluate low flow mitigation strategies in the lower three miles. This includes the recently completed floodplain reconnection projects completed by the County and Tribe, which have required manual methods to provide fish passage through this reach in the last 3 years.
Restoration - In-stream Habitat: $100,000 to implement recommendations identified during the riparian assessment. The Tribe has received landowner permission from the County and WDFW to pursue grant funding for their respective ownerships, and the Tribe is the other landowner.
Acquisition: $200,000 for partial acquisition of riparian parcels in a geographic envelope of the lower Dungeness River. Targeting 34 acre Beebe parcels contiguous with the Tribe's Rivers Edge restoration site. Opportunistically work with other willing landowners during the grant period if unable to successfully acquire the Beebe parcels.Planning-Assessment and Inventory: $50,000 to hire a consultant to evaluate low flow mitigation strategies in the lower three miles. This includes the recently completed floodplain reconnection projects completed by the County and Tribe, which have required manual methods to provide fish passage through this reach in the last 3 years.Restoration - In-stream Habitat: $100,000 to implement recommendations identified during the riparian assessment. The Tribe has received landowner permission from the County and WDFW to pursue grant funding for their respective ownerships, and the Tribe is the other landowner.