This is a restoration design project that will advance restoration on the Pysht River between river mile 2.5-7.3. We propose to conduct a geomorphic, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis of this reach that will support the development of engineered restoration plans and associated cost estimates. This design will inform future restoration implementation in this reach of the river. The project builds upon past conservation acquisitions as well as extends restoration efforts in the mainstem Pysht River. North Olympic Land Trust completed Phase I (RCO grant # 09-1528), Phase II (RCO grant # 10-1509), and Phase III (RCO grant # 13-1062) of the project, using SRFB grant funds to conserve 136 acres of Pysht River floodplain. Thirty-seven Engineered Log Jams have been installed between River Mile 8.0-9.5 (RCO Grant #15-1061) building upon a previous PCSRF funded project completed in 2021 between river mile 11.0-12.5. The Pysht is also a priority in the Western Straits Conservation Plan (RCO grant #09-1518).