The Dungeness River Riparian Stewardship project is intended to provide riparian protection and management to just over 300 acres of conservation acquisitions the Tribe is responsible for. The grant agreements these lands were purchased with require the Tribe to manage the properties for conservation and recreation benefits, especially restoring degraded riparian functions and values to help with salmon recovery in the watershed. Stewardship needs on these properties include monitoring, maintaining, and managing riparian vegetation, and providing environmental and recreational improvements to the properties. Of additional need is for the Tribe to make our conservation properties examples of best management practices (BMPs) to show people how to steward their own river side and/or natural properties.
The project title is: Dungeness River Riparian Stewardship, and it is intended to provide riparian protection and management to just over 300 acres of conservation acquisitions the Tribe is responsible for. The grant agreements these lands were purchased with require the Tribe to manage the properties for conservation and recreation benefits, especially restoring degraded riparian functions and values to help with salmon recovery in the watershed. Stewardship needs on these properties include monitoring, maintaining, and managing riparian vegetation, and providing environmental and recreational improvements to the properties. Of additional need is for the Tribe to make our conservation properties examples of best management practices (BMPs) to show people how to steward their own river side and/or natural properties.