The Pysht River estuary was
historically utilized for the marine transport of logs between 1915-1975. In order to operate and maintain this log
transport facility, the lower river was channelized and periodically dredged. Dredge materials were typically discharged
into salt marsh or placed along channel margins in piles. As a result, significant areas of the Pysht
River estuary have been disconnected from the river. Suction dredge deposits first appear in the
1951 aerial photograph series and form a series of interconnected, large mounds
on what was formerly tidal marsh in the southwest portion of the estuary. Removal options for this deposit have been
explored in the recently completed Pysht
River Estuary Restoration Feasibility Study. This project involves the removal of suction and clamshell dredge
deposits placed on a 20.5 acre area of historic salt marsh in the Pysht River
estuary. Dredged material would be
removed to restore tidal elevations and channels so that the area would be
regularly inundated by tidal cycles. Dredged materials (~138,500 yds3) would be removed and
transported to upland disposal sites and stabilized. A series of tidal channels would be
constructed and natural recolonization of salt tolerant native plants would be
used to revegetate the site.