The 1,600 acre-foot Dungeness Streamflow Restoration Off-Channel Reservoir for which construction funds are being requested, is a habitat restoration project that will contribute to the recovery of ESA-listed PS Chinook, PS Steelhead, Hood Canal/Strait JdF Summer Chum, and Bull Trout as well as PS/Strait of Georgia Coho (an NMFS Species of Concern) through the restoration of vital spawning and rearing habitat in the Dungeness River. The endangered Southern Resident killer whale DPS will also benefit as Northern PS Chinook are the highest priority prey stock for the species. The Reservoir will result in weighted usable habitat area increases of up to 35% for the aforementioned ESA-listed fish species which will significantly aid in their recovery as supported by DOE who states, “There is general consensus in the scientific literature that more flow in the summer and fall results in more fish." River water will be diverted during winter/spring high flows, when flow is above the instream flow rule, into climate-resilient off-stream storage. The reservoir will provide an alternative irrigation water source in late summer from typical agricultural river diversions. During this time, typical diversions left in river, will restore 25-30 cfs of flow, an increase of as much as 50%. The reservoir will also supply expanded aquifer recharge to restore flows to independent streams. The Reservoir will reside in a new nearly-400-acre park with trails for hiking, birdwatching and recreation.