In the lower Dungeness River corridor (from the mouth to RM11), approximately 20% of riverbank riparian vegetation has been removed or significantly denuded. Problem areas are the Mouth to Hurd Creek, RR Bridge reach, and Hwy 101 to May Rd. In addition the entire lower river corridor is infested with Buddleia. This is along-term investment in the river. Riparian restoration involves three interrelated actions: to eliminate or control noxious weeds, plant unproductive or non-forested sites with appropriate shrubs and trees, and maintain the site until the desired forest community is established (5 years or more).
North Olympic Salmon Coalition restored 57.2 acres of riparian habitat along 1.2 miles of the Dungeness River, near Sequim. This project involved three interrelated actions: to eliminate or control noxious weeds on 57.2 acres of riparian habitat, plant and seed 29.3 acres of unproductive or non-forested sites with appropriate shrubs and trees, and maintain the site until the desired forest community is established (5 years or more). In the lower Dungeness River corridor (from the mouth to RM11), approximately 20% of riverbank riparian vegetation has been removed or significantly denuded. Problem areas were the Mouth to Hurd Creek, RR Bridge reach, and Hwy 101 to May Rd. In addition, the entire lower river corridor was infested with Buddleia. Restoration of the riparian area is a long-term investment in the river. The project restored habitat for ESA-listed Chinook, Summer Chum, Steelhead, and Bull trout.