Synthesize and analyze geomorphic and biological data. Develop a prioritized project list for the river mouth and lower reach to reduce or eliminate the large scale juvenile salmonid mortality that occurs during seasonal closures of the river mouth. An assessment of the upper reaches of the river did not include the lower reach and mouth.
Closure of the mouth has been identified as an anadromous fish passage barrier. Large scale mortalities (1,000s) have been documented when juvenile salmonids are unable to emigrate to the marine environment. In May 2004, the Clallam River became bar bound. Large scale juvenile mortalities were documented as juvenile salmonids attempting to enter the Strait of Juan de Fuca were left stranded on the bar during the falling tidal cycle. A prioritized list resulting from the project ultimately benefits multiple salmonid species, addresses the limiting factor of barrier to fish passage, advances recovery of ecosystem function, and advances habitat protection and restoration. Partners are Clallam County, Lower Elwha Klallam Tribe, Makah Tribe, WDFW, WSU Beachwatchers, Streamkeepers of Clallam County, Clallam Conservation District, North Olympic Salmon Coalition researchers, and landowners.