The current Fall Chinook population returning to the Sekiu is very low and habitat needs to be improved to facilitate recovery of this traditional Chinook population. Furthermore, this watershed has been severely impacted by logging and road impacts. This project will restore spawning and rearing habitat in the Sekiu Mainstem, which is known Chinook habitat. Adding large woody debris (LWD) to this reach will create habitat complexity, providing sheltering areas for spawning adults and rearing fingerlings. LWD also has the potential to moderate temperature by creating large deep pools. It will also assist in gravel bed creation and maintenance. This project will benefit Chinook as well as coho, chum, steelhead and cutthroat. Improvement of upland habitat conditions will contribute to recovering health of estuarine areas and the nearshore migration corridor, which is used by a wide variety of species and stocks as they exit and return to Puget Sound.