This multi-component,
multi-partner project will improve salmon habitat and ecosystem functions on
the Lower Hoko River and estuary (RM 0 to 3.75) and the lower reaches of the Little Hoko River (RM 0 to
1). The project
will restore up to 3.75 miles of the Lower Hoko River, which includes
estuarine, floodplain, riparian and riverine habitat up to the confluence with
Little Hoko River and restore riparian habitat on 1 mile of the Little Hoko
River. The project will reconnect up to 180 acres of floodplain and off-channel
wetland habitat. The
riparian phase of the project will restore 37 acres of riparian habitat on private,
tribal and State Parks properties.
Acquisition will provide
long-term protection for Hoko floodplain habitat through fee simple and
conservation easements on Lower Hoko properties, particularly for those parcels
identified as priorities in the Western Straits Conservation Plan due to their
value as salmon habitat. Extending the area to the confluence of the Little
Hoko will include the number 1, 5, 6, 8, and 9 ranked parcels for all of WRIA
Restoration will accelerate the
recovery of natural processes through the addition of large wood, removal of
abandoned railroad grades and associated infrastructure, and fill impacts, and
will increase the quality and quantity of riparian habitat through native tree
plantings. Restoration and acquisition will likely be accomplished in
partnership with the Lower Elwha Klallam and Makah Tribes, North Olympic Land
Trust, North Olympic Salmon Coalition, and Washington State Parks.