The Clallam Conservation District is working with the landowner to replace this barrier is on Fielding Creek, a tributary to the Straits of Juan de Fuca. The current culvert is a 6' corrugated steel pipe that is a barrier to upstream and downstream movement by adult and juvenile salmon in Fielding Creek. This culvert is steep and has high velocities impeding passage. It will be replaced with a 50' by 14' steel bridge. Correction of this barrier would improve access to 2.63 miles of habitat for kokanee, coho, steelhead and searun cutthroat. The downstream barrier on SR 112 is a 67% passable fishway. The one upstream barrier is on a tributary with little habitat gain.
Clallam Conservation District worked with the landowner, Jim Pfaff, to replace this barrier is on Fielding Creek, a tributary to the Straits of Juan de Fuca. The barrier was a 6' corrugated steel pipe culvert with a steep slope that was a barrier to upstream and downstream movement by adult and juvenile salmon in Fielding Creek. It was replaced with a 50' by 14' steel bridge. Correction of this barrier improved access to 2.63 miles of habitat for kokanee, coho, steelhead and searun cutthroat. The downstream barrier on SR 112 is a 67% passable fishway. The one upstream barrier is on a tributary with little habitat gain.