The Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe is proposing this restoration project to construct 14 engineered logjams (ELJ's) in three remote Upper Dungeness River reaches within the Olympic National Forest: the Dungeness River from river mile (RM) 14.5 to 14.7 and the Gray Wolf River from RM 0.3 to 0.9 and RM 1.7 to 2.1. Salmon and char habitat in these river reaches was severely degraded by historical large wood removal projects and has not recovered. Wood removal has ceased, but these reaches remain extremely lacking in wood-formed large deep pools and stable spawning habitat. The ELJ's will restore stable, complex spawning and rearing habitat by scouring pools, stabilizing spawning riffles, retaining salmon carcasses, providing cover, and engendering the formation of side channels and floodplain connectivity. The primary fish species to benefit from the project include Puget Sound Chinook, Puget Sound steelhead, bull trout, Upper Dungeness pinks, and coho.
The Jamestown S'Klallam Tribe used this funding to construct engineered logjams in the Gray Wolf River from RM 0.3 to 2.5 within the Olympic National Forest. A helicopter was used to build the jams piece-by-piece at their design locations, thus completing the construction phase of a 3-year effort to design, permit, and generate all construction materials needed for construction. Salmon and char habitat in these river reaches was severely degraded by historical large wood removal projects. Wood removal has ceased, but these reaches remain extremely lacking in wood-formed large deep pools and stable spawning habitat. The ELJ's will restore stable, complex spawning and rearing habitat by scouring pools, stabilizing spawning riffles, retaining salmon carcasses, providing cover, and engendering the formation of side channels and floodplain connectivity. The primary fish species to benefit from the project include endangered Puget Sound Chinook, Puget Sound steelhead, bull trout, Upper Dungeness pinks, and coho.
The Dungeness River worksite was removed from the project due to design, time, and cost constraints. Sponsor plans to submit new project for work along Dungeness in future.