Project Description:
This project is focused on removing fish passage barriers found on the main stem and a side stem of Nelson Creek which flows into the Lyre River. The fish passage barriers are two undersized culverts found at Nelson Creek ravine crossings along the route of the former Lyre River Railroad Grade. The Lyre River Railroad Grade has been planned for the last decade to be the permanent route of the regional multi-user trail system known as the Olympic Discovery Trail. This project would replace the existing undersized culverts with 6’ to 8’ culverts suitable for fish passage and restore the railroad grade fills for use as a part of the region serving multi-user trail system known as the Olympic Discovery Trail
Why the Project is Needed (limiting factors addressed):
Fish passage is blocked by undersized and deteriorated culverts that block passage to a half mile long reach of the main stem of Nelson Creek and also along a side stem of Nelson Creek that extends for another half mile. In total, one mile of steam could be opened to fish passage by this improvement project. (WRIA 19 LFA)
Benefit to Salmon:
Salmon are entirely blocked from the upper reaches of Nelson Creek by the fish passage barrier culverts that would be replaced under this project. Additional valuable habitat and stream areas would open up to spawning at project completion. Coho stocks, steelhead, Chum and Cutthroat will benefit from this habitat restoration project.