This grant funding will be allocated to 3 main categories:
1) Preparation and review of biological assessments (required under Section 7) of the ESA
2) Preparation and review of habitat management plans (required by Clallam County's own Critical Areas Code)
3) Hiring a Salmon Restoration Coordinator.
The first two items are direct impacts upon the County and its citizens as a result of the listings of Chinook Salmon, Hood Canal Summer chum, and the Lake Ozette Sockeye in Clallam County. The new position will act as a coordinator both internally (between Clallam County and the cities and tribes within the County) and externally with the South West Puget Sound Region and the Governor's Salmon Recovery Office. The funding request will also assist the county in providing technical expertise and assistance in reviewing local comprehensive plans and development regulations, the use of SEPA, Road Maintenance Standards, Use of herbicides and pesticides, Code Enforcement / Training, Critical Areas Ordinances, Stormwater Management Programs, and Shoreline Management Programs, as these activities effect salmon recovery.