Clallam County used this funding to carry out a systematic watershed-scale habitat assessment of the Clallam River, building upon existing information. Using this comprehensive assessment, the project developed a prioritized list of actions to alleviate identified factors limiting salmon recovery.
The Clallam River flows through the community of Clallam Bay. Rapid and significant changes in the location of the river mouth threaten State and County Park infrastructure. The periodic closure of the river mouth during low flows has been identified as a potential barrier to salmon migration, and in 1998 the river was placed on the 303(d) list for temperature. The WRIA 19 Limiting Factors Analysis identified fine sediment, road density, riparian condition, barrier culverts, and lack of large woody material as additional factors limiting salmon production in the river. Despite these conditions, the Clallam River remains a viable salmon stream, with the potential for greater production (possibly including a Chinook run), as emphasized by its Tier 2 status in the NOPLE strategy.
Clallam County contracted with Mike Haggerty Consulting to conduct a systematic watershed-scale habitat assessment of the Clallam River, building on existing information. A Clallam River restoration workgroup of local citizens, technical advisors, landowners, tribe representatives, and project sponsors met seven times over the span of the three year project to guide this process. Using the completed assessment, the workgroup developed a prioritized list of actions to alleviate limiting factors identified for this watershed.