Acquisition of salmonid habitat in the Lyre River watershed is the goal of this project. In 2014, phase I was completed through acquisition of 280 acres, now known as the Lyre Conservation Area. In future phases, North Olympic Land Trust will conserve additional privately-owned parcels along the Lyre River, along Nelson Creek, and along the Strait of Juan de Fuca, through fee-simple acquisition or conservation easement. This project will help ensure protection in perpetuity of an intact river system from the mountains to the shore, including a vital estuary and critical nearshore salmon migration corridor along the Strait of Juan de Fuca for ESA-listed Puget Sound Chinook and other salmon species. The bulk of the watershed is in public ownership and the river's headwaters are in Lake Crescent, which is part of Olympic National Park. Additionally, there are a number of restoration opportunities that would be pursued in future phases of this project including undoing the channelization of the lower river and adding large wood to further improve existing salmon habitat.