This is a request for matching funds ($400,000) for a National Coastal Wetlands grant award of $980,000 for the continued restoration of the Skokomish Estuary. This proposal addresses hydrologic continuity from a forested wetland complex by opening barriers to stream flow and anadromous salmonids. This project includes 10 new stream crossings on a power line access road connected to SR 101 and 7 new stream crossings on Skokomish Flats Road and restoration of 0.5 miles of existing stream habitat on the old Nalley Farm property, lying West of Nalley Island and Nalley Slough. The overall goal of the Skokomish Estuary Restoration restoring high quality and complex habitat, reconnect side channels, tributaries and backwater habitats, and restore connection between intertidal estuary and forested wetland habitat. This project will significantly increase the area of brackish habitat, critical for growth of out-migrating juvenile salmon before entering marine waters.
The overall goal of the Skokomish Estuary Restoration is restoration of historic conditions that created and maintained high quality and complex habitat, reconnection of side channels, tributaries and backwater habitats, and restoration of the connection between intertidal estuary and forested wetland habitat. This project significantly increased the area of brackish habitat, critical for growth of out-migrating juvenile salmon before entering marine waters by treating approximately 9.79 acres of estuarine habitat. This phase of the Skokomish Estuary restoration addressed hydrologic continuity from a forested wetland complex by opening barriers to stream flow and anadromous salmonids. This phase also improved estuarine and adjacent wetland channel networks by filling borrow ditches created during historic construction of dike systems. A total of 27 water conveyance structures were addressed as a part of this project to improve hydraulic connectivity and anadromous access to approximately 369 acres of habitat. A total of 10 culverts were removed and abandoned, and 17 new water crossing structures were installed (15 culverts and 2 bridges) at locations where historic channel connections were truncated during road building and conversion to agriculture. These sites are located on the two access roads necessary for utility line maintenance. This project also placed more than 82,000 cubic yards of fill in approximately 8.19 acres of borrow ditches to facilitate modification and natural development of historic channel networks. In addition to filling borrow ditches, approximately 4,620 linear yards of channel were modified by reconstructing historic channels.
NOTE: The implementation metrics accomplished through this project far exceed the metrics included in the original RCO contract. This is a result of more than expected coordinated investments from multiple funding sources not secured at the time of RCO grant application, and a result of cost efficiencies realized during construction.
From Skokomish M&AM Results Chain: "Restore degraded estuarine and nearshore conditions"; substrategies: "Remove levees and landfill" and "Fill borrow ditches"