The Big Horseshoe on Frigid Creek is a total barrier to anadromous fish passage. Frigid Creek is a tributary to McTaggert Creek, in the North Fork Skokomish watershed. The road crossing was established prior to 1946, with approximately 30' deep road fill. The current culvert has an outfall drop greater than 3', which prevent upstream fish migration (Coho salmon). Road management is regulated under GDRCo's Habitat Conservation Plan which does not require fish passage in all situations, the USFS has an administrative use easement, and significant public use of the road has occurred for decades.
We will design the crossing to restore unimpeded fish passage to 1,500 meters of habitat and other benficial channel processes by:
-Abandoning the current culvert and fill, restoring the channel at this site
-Installing a new bridge at a new crossing site downstream, allowing a natural channel bottom and fish passage
This requires:
-Site survey to produce topographical maps
-Engineering design for planning and budgeting purposes
-Fluvial geomorphologist assessment and design to address potential headcut
-Final plans for permitting
Mason Conservation District will serve as project sponsor. The project area landowner is Green Diamond Resource Company.
This project can be found in the Recreation and Conservation Office's Project Information System (PRISM) as # 10-1602. This project was not funded during the 2010 SRFB Grant Round.