Hood Canal Salmon Enhancement Group used this funding to minimize road-related delivery of large quantities of coarse and fine sediment inputs to resident and anadromous spawning and rearing habitat in LeBar Creek and the lower South Fork Skokomish River. The objectives were to improve hill slope hydrology and reduce the potential for management-related mass wasting and surface erosion from a US Forest Service Road that had many large stream crossings and unstable fills.
The project decommissioned 7.04 mi. of road and stabilized 12.0 miles of road. These roads were identified in the Olympic National Forest Road Analysis as presenting a high risk to aquatic resources. The Skokomish River Watershed Analysis identified roads as the primary cause of sedimentation in the watershed. The anadromous reach of LeBar Creek RM 0 to 0.5 benefited directly from the project. Species of fish and life history stages utilizing this reach are bull trout -adult and sub-adult holding and overwintering; steelhead -spawning and incubation, juvenile rearing, and migration. The remaining 13 miles of the South Skokomish and 9 miles of the Skokomish indirectly benefit from the reduction of road-related sediment to the river channel. Other salmon and trout species that utilize the lower river are Chinook, coho, summer chum, chum, steelhead, bull trout, and sea-run cutthroat. Life history stage usages of this habitat include: spawning/incubation, juvenile rearing, adult and juvenile migration, over-wintering, and adult holding.