This project removed a derelict over-water structure and over 200 lineal feet of concrete bulkhead along the shoreline of Case Inlet in Mason County. After removal of the structures, the shoreline will be restored to saltmarsh and planted with riparian vegetation. A former shellfish processing facility consisting of a large overwater building, protective bulkhead, and single-family residence, this site was obtained by WDFW as mitigation for the loss of public shellfishing opportunities. A drift cell moving from left to right has been designated at the site that supplies sediment to the extensive saltmarshes located in the head of the inlet and a surf smelt spawning beach (WDOE). The site encompasses two shorezone units that are variously rated as having: saltmarsh, forage fish spawning and is adjacent to a non-salmon bearing stream, a salmon stream and a Tier 1 salmon stream. The site is located in an identified pocket estuary. Human induced stressors noted include: shoreline armoring, riparian loss, and over water structures (NPST).
The entire site has been designated as a high priority area in the Nearshore Project Selection Tool (WRIA 13 and 14 TAG, 2009).
The South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group (SPSSEG) in partnership with WA Department of Fish and Wildlife removed approximately 150 feet of shoreline armor (concrete) and removed the derelict over-water building at the project site in North Bay, Case Inlet, Mason County. The armor removal included the complete removal and disposal of the primary concrete bulkhead and a smaller bulkhead/landing which, combined, had previously lined 150 feet of shoreline. After removal of the concrete armoring the shoreline was graded to add approximately 20 feet of additional width below mean high high water (MHHW) and an additional 30 feet of backshore above the MHHW elevation. Two trees salvaged from the site were placed diagonal to the shoreline with their tips extending into the inter-tidal area to provide woody cover. Although SPSSEG originally intended to replant the disturbed shoreline, the graded area was instead left "raw" with no planting treatments. Native salt marsh and riparian species have since colonized most of the treated area; additional planting was unnecessary.
The over-water structure known as the former "Sargent's Oyster House" was removed from the shoreline location and was relocated to the Port of Allyn parking lot. All pilings, footings and debris that remained after the building's relocation were removed and disposed and the beach was left in a natural state. The footprint of the building and its associated infrastructure represented approximately 960 square feet of area that was restored. The building relocation and clean-up removed creosote pilings, concrete footings, asbestos shingles and other potentially toxic or man-made material from the shoreline. Fish species intended to benefit from the project include Chinook, Coho, and Chum Salmon, steelhead, and Cutthroat Trout. Adult fish will benefit from having additional migration and feeding corridors; juveniles will benefit from additional rearing and feeding areas. Forage fish might also benefit from the restored beach and restored sediment processes (spawning/eggs).