One partial barrier (67%) and one full barrier are located within the Jone's Creek Watershed on separate tributaries approximately 1200' above its outflow into Pickering Passage. Corrections of these barriers would make accessible ~ 1.15 miles of upstream spawning and rearing habitat including two large wetland complexes. Preliminary designs for this project have been completed and landowners are on board. MCD is currently working with the landowners on a potential CREP plan which would be used as match.
The Mason Conservation District will construct and replace an existing full barrier culvert with a fish friendly culvert to restore fish access to approximately 0.68 miles of spawning and rearing habitat within a Jones Creek tributary in Mason County. This project will also restore a minimum 2 acres of riparian habitat along the Jones Creek Tributary. These actions will support the goal of recovering and sustaining salmonid populations in WRIA 14 by restoring fish access and improving riparian habitat conditions within the Jones Creek Watershed. This project will benefit Coho, Chum, and Searun Cutthroat.