South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group proposes to enhance salmonid rearing and spawning habitat in Anderson Creek, southwest of Allyn WA, through the placement of in-stream wood structures and riparian vegetation. Anderson Creek is a major tributary and key cold water refugia in the Sherwood Creek basin. Habitat improvements will be achieved through the placement of several log structures (LWD), which will in turn drive the formation of covered pools, shade, gravel sorting and retention, and increased habitat function in the project reach. Riparian treatments will include planting native woody vegetation in the forest understory and in disturbed areas, and treating noxious weeds. Anderson Creek has been identified as a key cold water refugia within the Sherwood Creek basin, large portions of which are temperature limited during summer months. The importance of Anderson Creek for juvenile Coho Salmon rearing has been illustrated with paired temperature and snorkel survey data showing lower summer temperatures and higher densities of juvenile salmon in Anderson as compared to adjacent areas of Sherwood Creek (Stillwater Sciences 2007, Brakensiek 2008). This project will enhance a lower section of Anderson Creek that is lacking in key habitat, hydraulic complexity, and covered pools. The project will increase the amount of LWD, covered pools, and salmon spawning locations, as well as improve the riparian condition.
The South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group (SPSSEG) initiated a design process and restoration project at the project site along Anderson Creek, a tributary to Sherwood Creek. The proposed restoration project was intended to enhance salmonid rearing and spawning habitat through the placement of in-stream wood structures and riparian vegetation. Anderson Creek is a major tributary and key cold water refuge in the Sherwood Creek basin. A Preliminary Design was completed for the project which included elements of large wood placement and riparian enhancement. However, the project will close early and the restoration construction will not be completed due to property ownsership change and a lack of continued landowner support, in addition to a shortfall in matching funds. The Preliminary Design may serve as a basis for future restoration work at the site.