The purpose of this project is to remove 400 – 500 cubic yards of human made berm from the estuary surrounding the confluence of Sherwood Creek and Case Inlet. The berm currently constricts Sherwood stream channel and prevents the formation of dentritic channels in adjacent mudflats. The project will reestablish a more natural condition by removing the berm to the adjacent mud flat elevation. The berm removal will not alter the existing streem hydrology but will provide significant results during tidal exchanges as there will be increased dendritic channel formation, which will provide additional access for salmonids into Sherwood Creek.
This project was identified as a high benefit during a regional nearshore assessment that included the greater Mason County nearshore. Sherwood Creek is a major salmon producing stream in Case Inlet and supports more than one species. The current habitat conditions do not allow any alternative access points into Sherwood Creek. Historically there would have been smaller channels that connected the estuary to the stream. The project will rehabilitate portions of a degraded estuary at the mouth of a significant salmon bearing stream. Historically, the shellfish industry altered the mouths of many local creeks, streams and rivers for shellfish production. This berm was created at the site to divery water away from commercial beds but the site does not have any commercial or recreational harveset opportunities due to the high pollution levels near the Port of Allyn.