The South Puget Sound Salmon Enhancement Group used this funding to undertake the Schumocher Creek Fish Passage project, located 15 miles northeast of Shelton in Mason County. The project replaced a road culvert that failed during heavy rains of December, 1999. The former culvert, a 72" diameter x 50' long arched culvert, was undersized in relation to the stream size and had created an outlet drop of over 18" prior to being removed by natural causes. The completed project provided and maintained passage to over 5 miles of spawning and rearing habitat, including a 20+ acre wetland that is directly upstream from the project site. The project was designed to provide passage to juvenile and adult salmonids at all stream flows. Targeted species included coho, steelhead, cutthroat and sockeye. Providing critical habitat upstream of the project area will benefit coho, steelhead, and cutthroat as well as potential reintroduction of sockeye salmon. The project installed a 20' X 8' multiplate box culvert with a full aluminum invert with guardrails. The project also hydroseeded exposed soils. Supporting organizations: SPSSEG, Squaxin Island Tribe, Mason County Public Works (design), Allyn Community Association, SW Puget Sound Watershed Council, and WDFW.