The Middle Nemah Habitat Improvement Design will assess the opportunities to improve instream habitat and off channel habitat through the installation of large wood and actions to reconnect off channel rearing ponds.
The Middle Nemah Stream Habitat Assessment and Restoration Design completed a stream habitat assessment in 2019 in all anadromous fish bearing waters of the Middle Nemah River in Pacific County, WA. The sponsor used that assessment to develop and prioritize a list of restoration actions and complete preliminary designs for the highest priority items to benefit salmonid species, particularly Coho, steelhead, Chinook and Chum. Designs for the group of highest priority sites were completed in December of 2020. This included plans for log jam construction in the lower river, roadway removal to facilitate floodplain connectivity and work to reduce the risk of the river entering old gravel ponds in a way that damages habitat.
The 2014 and 2015 PCSRF award dollars were spent within the award period.