The former building footing and garbage would be removed and planted with native vegetation. Riprap and other shoreline hardening materials would be removed to provide improved juvenile salmonid rearing habitat. The derelict pilings would also be removed, particularly if they are creosote treated, which would improve the local water quality.
This shorelines restoration project includes tideland, shoreline and upland enhancements on City of Hoquiam owned property located along the Grays Harbor Estuary. Critical enhancements include removal of concrete and asphalt riprap shoreline hardening to provide improved juvenile salmonid rearing habitat and derelict pilings removal, particularly if they are creosote treated, to improve the local water quality. Upland enhancements adjacent to the shoreline include removal of debris, removal of an old concrete slab,planting native vegetation stormwater treatment and improvements to the currently used public access area by creating a low maintenance public park/aquatic viewing area. The public access area will include interpretive signs describing the aquatic species being protected at the restoration site, along with guidance to keep the public from disturbing shorebirds or salmonid rearing areas. The project will enhance shorebird foraging habitat, salmonid migration and rearing habitat, longshore sediment transport, and marine riparian vegetation. Target species that will benefit from this project include Chinook, Coho, Chum, Steelhead, bulltrout, Coastal Resident Cutthroat Trout, Pacific Lamprey, Waterfowl Concentrations, Shorebird Concentrations, Peregrine Falcon, Bald Eagle, Blue Heron Breeding Areas, Harbor Seals and Shellfish. Shorebirds frequenting the site include the Western Sandpiper, Least Sandpiper, Dowwitchers, Semipalmated Plover, Dunlin, and Black Bellied Plover